National Human Rights Commission of Korea hosted 34th North Korean Human Rights Forum
Date : 2017.05.10 00:00:00 Hits : 2785

National Human Rights Commission of Korea hosted 34th North Korean Human Rights Forum on May 7 at the Royal Hotel Seoul.

The forum takes place quarterly and experts from the academia, legal circle, and civil society organizations are gathered together to discuss issues related to North Korean human rights issues, promote communication and cooperation and seek measures to enhance related policies. The forum was held in May 2008 for the first time.

The forum is operated by commissioners appointed by NHRCK every two years. This is the first forum hosted by 25 commissioners whose term starts in March 2017 and will expire in February 2019.

Ambassador Choi Seokyoung, who served as Ambassador to Geneva Representative, was selected as representative of the forum. He will carry out his role as a Chair for the next two years.

During the forum, commissioners are given appointment letter; and presentations and discussions regarding recent issues and future prospects were carried out.


