[Decision] NHRCK decided to initiate Ex-officio investigation regarding human rights conditions in military
Date : 2017.06.08 00:00:00 Hits : 2142

o National Human Rights Commission of Korea decided in Standing Committee held on June 1 to initiate ex-officio investigation regarding human rights conditions in military, concluding that as can be seen from the recent sexual assault against female soldier and her suicide, there is a need to carry out comprehensive review on human rights infringements against female soldiers including sexual harassment in military.


o National Human Rights Commission of Korea in 2013 made recommendations to the Ministry of National Defense to enhance policies and systems to protect human rights of female soldiers including measures to prevent sexual violence and supplement grievance settlement system based on the result of 2012 survey on human rights conditions of female soldiers. In 2014, the Ministry of National Defense accepted the recommendations, and since then it has made diverse efforts. However, NHRCK concluded that continued sexual violence cases against female soldiers clearly show that rights of female soldiers are not practically protected, and thus an ex-officio investigation is needed.

o In May, NHRCK proposed ‘10 Human Rights Tasks for the New Government’ upon the inauguration of 19th President, which included ‘settlement of human rights friendly culture in military’ whose focus is to protect human rights of female soldiers. NHRCK will take this ex-officio investigation as an opportunity to devise a system to better protect human rights of female soldiers. In particular, NHRCK will collect related cases and receive advises from experts in carrying out the investigation.



