NHRCK held Forum on CSR in Medium-Small Enterprises
Date : 2014.06.13 00:00:00 Hits : 2045

o The National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK) held the first Human rights-friendly Business Management Forum in cooperation with Small and Medium Business Administration on 11 June, 2014 at Press Center in Seoul in order to forster culture of human rights-friendly management in the business area. .


o The first session was about "what does CSR mean in medium and small business enterprises". In the panelist, we had professor Kwak Kwanhoon at Seonmun Universtiy, Executive Director Kang Juhyun from Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum, Secretary General Shin Taejoong from Good Corporation Center, Director Kim Yonggoo from Bsuiness Responsibility Citizen Center and other experts as well.


o At the second session, "Goals and implementation measures for realizing CSR in medium and small business enterprises" was discussed. In the panelist, expers from Dongduk Women's University, Korea Productivity Center and so on.


o The NHRCK wishes this forum serve a platform for a productive dialogue about future direction on CSR in medium and small business and human rights-friendly culture in business industry.

