NHRCK hosts ‘Discussion Session: Climate Crisis and Human Rights’
Date : 2021.09.23 00:00:00 Hits : 2388

The National Human Rights Commission of Korea hosts ‘Discussion Session: Climate Crisis and Human Rights’


-The NHRCK’s very first discussion session on August 31 to approach climate crisis based on human right’s perspective-

Recognizing the necessity to be prepared to protect human rights under the dire climate situations, the National Human Rights Commission of Korea is making efforts to broaden understanding in climate change in relation to human rights and to find the role the Commission can play in responding to these issues. This is the first time the Commission has hosted the discussion session to address human rights issues in times of climate crisis. The Commission hopes, through the event, to help publicizing the view of approaching climate crisis issue in human rights' perspective.


Three agendas were presented at this event:

- The Logic and the Pathway for Human Rights-based Approach to Climate Crisis, (Hyo-jae Cho, Professor at Sungkonghoe University, Author of  Society>).

- The Way Ahead for the Legislation of Climate Crisis Response Act in the Perspective of Human Rights (In-chul Hwang, Head of Climate Energy Team at Green Korea)

- Constitutional Suit concerning Climate Crisis and the Progres (Jee-hye Park, Attorney at Solution for Our Climate)


Gangwon University Law School Professor Si-won Park, Climate Emergency Action Joint Representative Ji-hyuck Oh, Korea Environment Institute Sang-woon Han and Duroo incorporated association Attorney Hyun-young Ji participated as discussion panels for the event.


The ‘Discussion Session: Climate Change and Human Rights’ was a virtual session and the full version of the session is uploaded on the Commission’s Youtube channel (www.youtube.com/NHRCkr).


