NHRCK holds the second ‘Conference on Migrant Rights’
Date : 2022.08.29 00:00:00 Hits : 2304

NHRCK holds the second ‘Conference on Migrant Rights’

- Theme: ‘equal migrant policies for all’ -


The National Human Rights Commission of Korea(Chairperson Doohwan Song, hereinafter the ‘NHRCK’ or the ‘Commission’) co-hosted the ‘Conference on Migrant Rights’(hereinafter the ‘Conference’) from 23 to 24 August 2022 with the ‘Commission on Planning the Conference on Migrant Rights’.


The Conference was held in the midst of fast-changing environment where migrants-related situations and policies are continuously updated. The aim of the event was to have in-depth discussion on the 4th ‘Master Plan for Immigration Policy(2023-2027)’ and to find ways to effectively respond to issues related to migrant rights. The Commission held its first ‘Conference on Migrant Rights for the Elimination on all forms of Racial Discrimination’ in 2019.


On the first day of the Conference, the video ‘Our Voice’, made by migrant community was shown and the topics including ‘Korean migrant policies, forced labor and human trafficking’, ‘economic crisis and migrant rights’, ‘labor rights for migrant workers in the fast-changing labor environment’. ‘capacity-building and group activities for migrants’ were presented. The discussions on each of the topics and the migrant rights issues in general followed and the sessions to enhance communication and the level of solidarity among the stakeholders were also held.


On the second day, subcommittee-level discussions and general discussions on pending issues regarding migrant rights, including ‘education rights in foreinger-concentrated area and social integration’, ‘communication as a fundamental right’, ‘translation service for migrants’, ‘rights for mental health and the trauma of migrants and refugees’, ‘paradigm shift on multicultural society through educating co-existence’ and ‘human rights for sexual minorities and HIV positives at immigration protection facilities and correctional centers’ were held. The events were followed by the recitation of the Conference declaration.


The National Human Rights Commission of Korea will continue to closely coordinate with the experts on the issues of the migrants and civil society organizations to ensure the rights of all migrants are protected.


