Daegu-Gyeongbuk's first migrant rights convention to discuss migrant rights issues in depth
Date : 2024.08.29 13:28:44 Hits : 1189

Daegu-Gyeongbuk's first migrant rights convention to discuss migrant rights issues in depth

On August 22, 2024, the first migrant rights convention in the Daegu-Gyeongbuk region was held with great success. The event, co-hosted by the National Human Rights Commission and the Daegu-Gyeongbuk Migrant Human Rights Convention Promotion Committee, was held at the Human Rights Education Center of the Daegu Human Rights Office of the National Human Rights Commission.

The event featured a variety of programs, starting with a keynote lecture by Professor Joowon Yuk of the Department of Sociology at Kyungpook National University. Prof. Yuk compared and analyzed local governments' policies to attract foreigners and the reality of undocumented migrants, pointing out the limitations of control-oriented migration policies.  

In the discussion that followed, various migrant human rights issues in the local community were discussed in depth, including the poor working conditions of undocumented migrant workers, difficulties in the refugee recognition process, and the issue of mosques in Daegu. 

Finally, migrant activists read the Migrant Activist Declaration together, raising their collective voice to realize migrants' labor rights and human rights through solidarity and cooperation. 

The Daegu-Gyeongbuk Migrant Rights Convention is expected to raise awareness of migrant rights issues in the local community and serve as an important opportunity to improve related policies. Although migrant rights conventions have been held nationwide, this is the first time that migration issues have been discussed in-depth, reflecting local characteristics.


