Report on Hate Speech 읽기 : 인권위 간행물 | 발간자료 | 자료공간 | 국가인권위원회
일반단행본 Report on Hate Speech
담당부서 : 혐오차별대응기획단 발행연도 : 2020 등록일 : 2020-12-10 조회 : 4124

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Introduction of the Phenomenon of Hate

1. Introduction

2. Background and Causes of Hate

1) Hate as a Method of Power

2) Hate as a Social Pathological Phenomenon

3. Political Directions of Reactions to Hate Speech


Chapter 2. Concept and Types of Hate Speech

1. Concept of Hate Speech

2. Factors of Hate Speech

1) Groups with Particular Characteristics

2) Negative Ideas and Prejudice

3) Words, Actions, and other Behaviors of Expression

4) Encouraging Discrimination

3. Types of Hate Speech

1) Insulting Hate Speech

2) Inciting Hate Speech


Chapter 3. The Evils of Hate Speech

1. Negation of Human Dignity and Violations of Individual Human Rights

1) Negation of Human Dignity and Values

2) Violation of Personal Rights

2. Distortion of Democracy and Hindrance to Social Integration

1) Distortion or Negation of Democracy

2) Hindering Social Integration


Chapter 4. Reactions and Considerations towards Hate Speech

1. Reactions towards Hate Speech

1) Limitations in Behavior

Criminal, Civil, and Administrative Regulations


2) Creating Environments

Education, Promotion, and Policies at the Country and Local Government Levels

Reactive Policies of Companies and Civic Society

2. Things to Consider when Reacting to Hate Speech

1) Status of People that Cause Hate Speech

2) Context of Hate Speech

3) Range of Hate Speech

4) Media of Hate Speech

5) Intentions and Effects of Hate Speech


Chapter 5. Conclusion




1. Major Korean Legislation Related to Hate Speech

2. Overseas Legislation Related to Hate Speech Regulation

3. Examples of Guidelines for Preventing and Reacting to Hate Speech

담당부서 : 인권교육기획과
연락처 : 02-2125-9681

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