Updated Comment Policies of Domestic Internet Companies (based on recommendations from NHRCK's hate speech report)
Date : 2020.03.27 00:00:00 Hits : 2373


Updated Comment Policies of Domestic Internet Companies (based on recommendations from NHRCK's hate speech report)    


Ⅰ. Kakao   

? Updated comment policy for news articles by web portal Daum and messaging app KakaoTalk’s Sharp Search service
  ? - Removing offensive comments for news articles to ensure healthy communication on its platform
  ? - Introducing a swear filter in 2017 and including hateful and discriminatory language in the list of words that qualify for removal in February 2020


? Upgrading the function of converting swearwords into musical notes using artificial intelligence (AI) technology
  ? - Implementing stricter language filtering to remove words deemed offensive or derogatory by users even if they are not swear words or bad words
  ? - Kakao removes hateful comments reported by a user and penalizes the author of hate speech and then notifies the user of the removal.
     ※ Addition of a new feature that notifies the user who reported hateful comments about the removal of such comments
  ? - Introducing a function to protect the rights of users of comment sections
      - Adding the “Block” button that makes the whole comment section appear or disappear from the site (giving users control over the comment section) 


? Promoting social consensus on the importance of countering online hate speech
  ? - The Korea Communications Commission held a meeting with portal operators and distributed the hate speech report shared by the National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK) in October 2019. Based on the recommendations from the report, portal sites have made the decision to strengthen their self-regulation of hate speech.
  ? - The NHRCK will continue implementing consensus-building projects to encourage self-regulation of online hate speech.


Ⅱ. NAVER  (effective from March 2020)

  ? - Removing the list of keywords that appears in the search results of celebrities
  ? - Closing the comment section for entertainment news articles


