The NHRC recommended the Dongbu Public Prosecutor's...
Date : 2003.02.17 00:00:00 Hits : 1230

The NHRC recommended the Dongbu District Public Prosecutor"s Office to Release a Serious Disabled Suspect 

In August 1995, after receiving spine operation in a hospital in
Seoul, Mrs. Kim was paralyzed from her waist down. In September 2002, through court arbitration, she received 35 million Won in compensation from the hospital. Not happy with the amount of the compensation and the ill-treatment she had received, on 4 February 2003.  Mrs. Kim attempted to set a fire in the lobby of the hospital. Shortly after, she was arrested.

On 14 February, the NHRC sent investigators to the district office to look over the arrest warrant and restroom facilities at the
Sung Dong Detention Center. The investigators found that because the center did not have any restrooms that could facilitate persons with disabilities, Mrs. Kim, a person with first degree physical disability, had been using 6 diapers per day and a portable bedpan.

Since the
Sung Dong Detention Center has inadequate handicapped-friendly restroom facilities, the NHRC felt that if the suspect is to continue to be in custody, she will suffer from the conditions and won"t be able to keep her dignity as a human being.  Also, since the suspect was a first offender, the chance that she would destroy evidence or escape was slight if not nonexistent. Considering these facts, the NHRC recommended a urgent relief measure to Dongbu District Public Prosecutor"s office and to continue their investigation of Mrs. Kim without having her in their custody.


